Whats in a Name?

Aside from the obvious reason that my business is located in my hometown of Armada, there's a deeper significance behind the name. I envisioned my practice as a sanctuary where individuals could receive pain management and therapeutic care in a comforting, down-to-earth environment.

My aim is to make your massage journey not only beneficial to your health and wellness but also devoid of any intimidation or apprehension.

Drawing upon my years of experience and education, I am dedicated to addressing specific issues and pain management I can within my scope of practice.

However, I'm also known for my quirky traits, like sporting large goose earrings and embracing laughter. In naming my practice "Hometown," my intention is for clients to feel like they're at home, even on their toughest days – whether they're struggling with a sciatica flare-up, undergoing chemotherapy, or simply feeling uncomfortable due to pregnancy.

While I'm just one of many amazing massage therapists around, I would love to be your Hometown Massage Therapist!

Warm regards,

Heather Tribu-Thomas LMT